

Notice about 'Certificate of Completion'

2020-11-07 13:47
Hello. This is Keira Fleur^^

Here are some notices regarding the certificate


○ Criteria for issuing a certificate of completion:

If you have taken all the contents of the course, you can get a certificate of completion online


○ Details

- The certificate of completion will be written english, and your english name written

  when registering as a platform member will automatically applied to the certificate.

-Online certificate can be saved as PDF file or printed also


Among those who took our online course on platforms other than keirafleur.com

If you wish to issue a certificate of completion, please follow the procedure below

and we will issue you a separate certificate of completion^^


[ Application Procedure ]

1) Screen capture of the course completion on other platform(if you finished course)

2) Sign up for keirafleur.com membership

3) You can get a certificate of completion at keirafleur.com by sending it to the email

below(Attach the captured image file of 1) above, and write your ID registered on keirafleur.com)

* Email address: keirafleur@naver.com

* Application deadline: Until December 31, 2020


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[ 사업자정보 ]


◦ 업체명: (주)케이라플레르

◦ 대표자: 김세준

◦ 등록번호: 366-87-02307

◦ 통신판매신고번호: 제2021-서울송파-4246호

◦ 대표번호: 0507-1361-0563

◦ 이메일: keirafleur@naver.com

◦ 본점소재지: 서울특별시 동작구 사당로 300 이수자이 상가1동 2층 케이라플레르

[ Contact Us ]


◦ Instagram: keirafleur

◦ WhatsApp: +821033720563

◦ Mail: keirafleur@naver.com

◦ Address: 2F, 300, Sadang-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

[ All Right Reserved ]


케이라플레르의 모든 저작물(영상, 사진, 글 등)은 저작권보호를 받고 있습니다. 본 플랫폼의 저작물은  강좌 수강 목적으로만 활용 가능합니다.  케이라플레르 외 타인이 개인적 또는 상업적인  용도로 저작물을 활용(복제, 배포 등)시 민/형사상  책임이 있습니다.

All works of KEIRA FLEUR (videos, photos, postings, etc.) are copyrighted. All contents of this Platform can only be used for online course by registered members. Content cannot be used (reproduction, distribution, etc.) for personal or commercial purposes. Violating copyright regulations may result in legal liability.


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