

Replacement flower and leave options

Mindy Le
2021-06-26 01:31

I’m taking your natural centerpiece course. I have a question about layers choice. I couldn’t find foochara, thryptomene, or lisianthus in US. They do sell them in Australia but not in US.

What is your suggestion for replacement layers and flowers in US?

Please give me a recommendation on where to get those flowers and leaves.

In addition, How do you dyed clematis to purple color?
Total 3

  • 2021-09-11 20:35

    Hello Mindy,
    We are very sorry for the late reply.

    There are different types of flowers available for purchase in every country. Therefore, it is recommended to find flowers similar to the purpose, shape, and color of the flowers used in our lecture at the market near you.
    You can use the following as a substitute for the materials you inquired about. Please note that the materials below is a list of flowers that can be easily found in Korean market.

    [Alternative Flowers]
    ◯ Foochara
    → Galaxy leaves
    → Ivy
    → Geranium leaf

    ◯ Thryptomene
    → Wax flower
    → Phlox
    → Baby’s breath
    → Mini delphinium

    ◯ Lisianthus
    → Spray carnation
    → Spray rose
    → Spray chrysanthemum
    → Cosmos

    We hope it helped you with your inquiry. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.

    Thank you.

    • 2021-09-11 20:43

      For reference, we do not dye the flowers ourselves, we purchase them to use. Thank you 🙂

  • 2021-09-11 20:40

    안녕하세요 케이라플레르입니다.
    외국 수강생분이 온라인강의에서 사용된 재료의 대체가능한 꽃을 문의주셨는데 한국분들께도 유용할 것 같아 한글로도 답변드릴게요^^

    <대체 가능한 꽃 리스트>
    ->갈락스 잎
    ->제라늄 잎

    ->미니 델피늄

    ->스프레이 카네이션
    ->스프레이 장미

Total 19
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